Meet the widest range of flooring challenges and provide ideal flooring solutions for both Interior and Exterior
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Daher Coats, a leading manufacturer specializing in high-performance coating solutions, offers a diverse range of epoxy, PU, and polyurea solutions. Renowned as a polyurea specialist, we combine our expertise in all three coatings to provide exceptional products that deliver unmatched performance, durability, and protection for various applications.

Polyurea Coatings: Experience the exceptional waterproofing and anti-corrosion properties of our renowned polyurea solutions. Expertly designed to thrive in demanding environments, our coatings provide long-lasting protection for residential, commercial, and industrial projects, ensuring peace of mind and durability.

Polyurethane Coatings: Unlock versatility and durability with our polyurethane coatings. With a wide range of formulations, they are ideal for diverse applications, including Food, Beverage, Chemical, Electronic, and other industrials.

Injection Grout: Address structural concerns with confidence using our specialized injection grout. It is specifically formulated to penetrate cracks, voids, or gaps in concrete structures, providing stability, reinforcement, and reliable repairs. Our injection grout minimizes the risk of future damage, ensuring the structural integrity of your concrete surfaces.

Epoxy Coatings: Transform your floors with our solvent-free epoxy flooring coatings. These coatings offer exceptional chemical resistance and durability, making them perfect for industrial and commercial environments that demand high-performance, seamless flooring solutions.

Epoxy Terrazzo: Elevate your spaces with our seamless epoxy terrazzo. Combining aesthetics and durability, it provides a visually stunning and resilient flooring option for a wide range of applications. With its seamless finish, it adds elegance and charm to residential, commercial, and public spaces.

Experience the highest quality standards with Daher Coats' meticulously crafted products. Our coating solutions provide exceptional performance, longevity, and peace of mind. Trust in our expertise as a trusted coatings manufacturer to deliver top-quality solutions that protect and enhance your surfaces.

Elevate your surfaces with Daher Coats – the trusted name in superior coating solutions.

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About Daher

Benefit from our extensive experience across multiple sectors as we proudly offer a diverse portfolio of high-quality coatings. Our comprehensive range includes polyurea, polyurethane, injection grout, and epoxy coatings, providing tailored solutions for clients worldwide.

Rest assured, our products are manufactured to meet the highest quality standards, with ISO9001:2015 certification. Our dedicated chemists continuously develop new products and custom formulations, ensuring optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

Whether you operate in the residential, commercial, or industrial markets, we are here to help. Rely on our expertise and personalized guidance to find the best coating solutions that meet your unique needs.

Discover the Daher advantage today and unlock the potential for excellence in surface protection.

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coating solutions

Why Choose Us


Over 30 years of experience and training have given our highly skilled team of installers a great deal of field knowledge.

Competitive Pricing

We offer cost-effective pricing for flooring along with high-quality concrete finishes. Contact us today and request a FREE quote.

Quality Products

We use only top quality commercial-grade products and equipment – not the rubbish stuff from local hardware stores.

Expert Advice

Applicators from our commercial flooring Queensland branches are experienced across a variety of materials and concrete finishes.

Speedy Service

Having a large team of qualified applicators means that we can be available quickly and we are able to meet your timelines.

Customer Satisfaction

We’re not happy with a project unless you are, and that is why we will always work with you to ensure you are satisfied.

We happy to talk & Provide a free quote.

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Latest Project

Browse our latest projects and gain inspiration. Click on the images to explore our showcased works and discover a range of impressive case studies.

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Client Testimonials

With access to high-quality products, diverse experience and extensive resources, Daher is sure to find a solution tailored to meet a customer’s individual needs. From residential homes to warehouses and factories to stadiums, Daher has developed long-lasting preventative coatings with superior protection for any application.


At Daher, you can expect more than just a high-quality product tailored to your needs. After the completion of any project, they provide excellent after-sales service to ensure everything is up and running as expected.

Not only do they have an efficient methodology that will meet all my standards when designing the project, but they can also be trusted to maintain their products and make necessary repairs if problems arise. For me, this guarantees peace of mind knowing that I can rely on Daher throughout the entire process.


Daher's coatings come with so many technical certifications, and their team is really professional and knowledgeable. I feel like I can leave them to handle whatever job I need to be done without worry because it's clear they know what they're doing.

Plus, the fact that they have such good expertise makes me more comfortable when it comes to making decisions with Daher. They're experienced and trustworthy and that gives me peace of mind knowing my projects will turn out great!


Trusted by Many Customers

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