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A Comprehensive Guide to Epoxy Terrazzo Installation from Start to Finish

Epoxy terrazzo installation is a complex and specialized process that requires the expertise of a qualified contractor. From moisture testing to concrete preparation and floor layout, there are several crucial considerations to ensure a successful installation.

In this discussion, we will explore the importance of divider strips in creating intricate patterns and color transitions, as well as the meticulous steps involved in mixing, pouring, troweling, grinding, grouting, and polishing to achieve a smooth and visually appealing finish.

Moreover, we will touch upon the cost factors and typical locations where epoxy terrazzo floors are commonly installed. With these insights, architects and general contractors can gain a better understanding of the intricacies involved in this durable and aesthetically pleasing flooring option.

Key Takeaways

  • Epoxy terrazzo is a popular choice for commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities due to its durability and long-lasting nature.
  • Hiring a qualified and experienced contractor is crucial for the successful installation of epoxy terrazzo.
  • Moisture testing is an important step in the terrazzo installation process to ensure proper adhesion and prevent future issues.
  • The terrazzo installation process involves concrete preparation, floor layout with divider strips, mixing and pouring the epoxy resin, and finishing the floor through grinding, grouting, and polishing.
Epoxy Terrazzo Installation

Site Inspection

The site inspection is a crucial initial step in the epoxy terrazzo installation process, ensuring that the conditions of the site are suitable for the installation to proceed smoothly and successfully. During the site inspection, the contractor evaluates the existing substrate, taking into account factors such as moisture levels, cracks, and surface preparation requirements.

Moisture levels are of particular importance, as excessive moisture can compromise the adhesion of the epoxy terrazzo system. Moisture vapor transmission tests, such as the ASTM-F-2170 probe test, are commonly performed to determine the relative humidity of the concrete slab. If the moisture readings exceed the recommended threshold (typically between 75% to 80% relative humidity), a moisture mitigation system may be required to prevent future issues.

In addition to moisture testing, the site inspection also involves assessing the overall condition of the substrate. This includes checking for cracks and addressing any floor leveling requirements. Shot blasting or grinding may be necessary to prepare the concrete surface for the epoxy terrazzo installation. Any cracks or substrate issues should be properly repaired to ensure a smooth and even surface.

Substrate Testing

Substrate testing is a crucial step in the epoxy terrazzo installation process. It involves conducting moisture testing to ensure proper substrate conditions. Additionally, a flatness inspection is performed to check for level tolerance. Lastly, a concrete integrity assessment is done to address any cracks or substrate issues.

These tests help ensure the successful adhesion and longevity of the epoxy terrazzo system. By preventing future problems, they contribute to a high-quality installation.

Moisture Testing

Moisture testing is a critical step in the preparation process for epoxy terrazzo installation. It ensures that the substrate is suitable for the installation and prevents future issues.

Here are five key points to consider regarding moisture testing:

  • Conduct moisture vapor transmission tests on all slabs receiving epoxy terrazzo.
  • The ASTM-F-2170 probe test is the recommended method for moisture testing.
  • The acceptable threshold for relative humidity is commonly between 75% to 80%.
  • If the moisture reading does not comply, a moisture mitigation system may be required.
  • Moisture testing is essential for ensuring proper adhesion and the long-term success of the epoxy terrazzo installation.

Tips: Moisture testing, requiring the moisture content not to exceed 8%, with concrete curing for over 28 days.

Flatness Inspection

To ensure a successful epoxy terrazzo installation, it is crucial to conduct a thorough flatness inspection of the substrate. Maintaining floor flatness within 3mm over a 3-meter span is essential for achieving a smooth and even terrazzo surface. This involves measuring the floor's deviations and identifying any areas that require leveling or correction. A flatness inspection can be performed using various methods, including the F-number system, straightedge method, or laser scanning. The results of the inspection will determine if any floor preparation is needed, such as grinding or filling voids, to achieve the desired flatness. By conducting a comprehensive flatness inspection, contractors can ensure that the epoxy terrazzo installation will be of high quality and meet the client's expectations.

Flatness Inspection MethodsDescriptionAdvantages
F-number systemMeasures floor flatness based on specified valuesProvides numerical data for analysis
Straightedge methodEmploys a straightedge to identify floor deviationsSimple and cost-effective technique
Laser scanningUses laser technology to capture floor topographyProvides detailed 3D floor information
Flatness Inspection

Concrete Integrity

To ensure the successful installation of epoxy terrazzo, it is essential to assess the concrete integrity through thorough substrate testing. Here are five important factors to consider during the testing process:

  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection to identify any hollow spots in the concrete surface.
  • Verify that the concrete meets the required C25 strength specifications to ensure it can support the terrazzo installation.
  • Mark the planned joints accurately to ensure proper alignment and prevent cracking or shifting in the future.
  • Check for any existing cracks or defects in the concrete and address them before proceeding with the terrazzo installation.
  • Perform a moisture vapor transmission test to determine if a moisture mitigation system is necessary to prevent future issues.
terrazzo flooring installation step

Surface Preparation

Before installing epoxy terrazzo, thorough surface preparation is essential for achieving a successful and long-lasting outcome.

The first step in surface preparation is to evaluate the integrity of the existing concrete substrate. This involves checking for cracks, level tolerance, and addressing any substrate issues.

Shot blasting or grinding is then performed to remove any contaminants and create a roughened surface for proper adhesion. Vacuum cleaning is crucial to ensure the removal of all dust and debris.

Once the surface is clean and prepared, a moisture vapor transmission test should be conducted to determine if a moisture mitigation system is required. This test measures the amount of moisture present in the concrete substrate. If the readings exceed the threshold of 75% to 80% relative humidity, a moisture mitigation system will need to be applied to prevent future issues.

After addressing any moisture concerns, a flexible membrane or leveling fill epoxy may be applied to address any unevenness in the concrete substrate. This step ensures a flat and smooth surface for the terrazzo installation.

Before repair
After repair

Floor Layout

The next important aspect of epoxy terrazzo installation is the floor layout, which involves the use of divider strips. Divider strips are crucial for controlling expansion joints and indicating color transitions in the terrazzo floor.

Commonly made of metals such as aluminum, zinc, or brass, these strips play a significant role in installations with multiple epoxy resin colors.

Divider Strips

How are divider strips used in the floor layout of epoxy terrazzo installations?

Divider strips play a crucial role in the floor layout of epoxy terrazzo installations. Here are five key points about their usage:

  • Control expansion joints: Divider strips are used to control expansion joints in the concrete slab, preventing the terrazzo topping from cracking due to joint movement.
  • Indicate color transitions: Divider strips are essential for installations with multiple epoxy resin colors, indicating where one color transitions to another.
  • Decorative purposes: In some systems, divider strips that are not located over concrete joints serve a purely decorative function, adding visual interest to the terrazzo floor.
  • Material and flexibility: Divider strips are typically made of zinc, brass, or other materials. They are thin and flexible, allowing them to be bent by hand on-site or pre-shaped in the factory into intricate designs.
  • Size and options: Divider strips vary in width from 18 gauge to 1/2 inch, with 16 gauge being the standard. While zinc is the standard material, brass, and colored plastic options are readily available.

These facts highlight the importance of divider strips in achieving a visually appealing and structurally sound epoxy terrazzo floor.

divider strips

Installing Epoxy Terrazzo

When it comes to installing epoxy terrazzo, there are several key points to consider.

First, proper priming of the substrate is essential to ensure adhesion and prevent future issues.

Second, the components, including epoxy resin, hardener, filler powder, and aggregates, must be mixed in the correct ratio by skilled professionals.


To ensure proper adhesion and a successful installation of epoxy terrazzo, priming the surface is an essential step in the process. Priming prepares the substrate by creating a strong bond between the concrete and the terrazzo system.

Here are five important aspects of priming:

  • Surface Cleaning: The surface must be thoroughly cleaned, removing any dirt, dust, grease, or other contaminants. This ensures a clean and smooth surface for the primer to adhere to.
  • Surface Conditioning: In some cases, the surface may need to be mechanically abraded or etched to promote better adhesion. This step creates a rough surface for the primer to grip onto.
  • Priming Material: Choose a high-quality primer specifically designed for epoxy terrazzo installation. The primer should have excellent adhesion properties and be compatible with the terrazzo system being used.
  • Application Technique: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application of the primer. Use a brush, roller, or spray equipment to apply an even coat of primer to the surface.
  • Drying Time: Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding with the installation. Follow the recommended drying time provided by the manufacturer, ensuring that the primer is fully cured and ready for the terrazzo system.

Mixing Components

The mixing of components is a critical step in the installation process of epoxy terrazzo. Skilled professionals should handle this process due to the fast-hardening nature of epoxy resins. To ensure the proper mixture, epoxy resin, and hardener are mixed in a 5:1 ratio inside a mixer. Fill powder and specified aggregates are added to the mix. Careful attention should be given to the ratio and the thoroughness of the mixing to achieve a uniform consistency. This is important for the overall quality and durability of the terrazzo floor.

Once the components are mixed, the terrazzo mix is poured onto the surface and spread evenly with a trowel. An electric power trowel is then used to ensure a smooth and even surface.

mixing components

Pour in Place

For the installation of epoxy terrazzo, the next step is to pour the mixed components in place onto the prepared surface. This step is crucial to achieve a smooth and even terrazzo floor.

Here are five key points to consider when pouring epoxy terrazzo:

  • Precise measurements: Accurate measurements of epoxy resin, hardener, filler powder, and aggregates are essential to ensure the proper chemical reaction and consistency of the mix.
  • Controlled pouring: The terrazzo mix should be poured in a controlled manner to ensure even distribution and avoid pooling or uneven surfaces.
  • Troweling technique: Skilled professionals should use a trowel to spread the batch evenly between the divider strips, ensuring a consistent thickness and smooth finish.
  • Time sensitivity: Epoxy resins have a fast-hardening nature, so the pouring and troweling process should be performed efficiently to avoid premature curing.
  • Surface protection: Adequate protection should be provided to prevent contamination or damage to the freshly poured terrazzo, such as foot traffic or debris.
pour epoxy terrazzo in place

Grinding Epoxy Terrazzo

Achieving a smooth and polished surface is an essential step in the process of grinding epoxy terrazzo. After the terrazzo mix has been poured and spread evenly, the next step involves grinding the surface to transition from a rough to a smooth finish. Grinding is necessary to remove any imperfections, such as pinholes or voids, left from the pouring process.

To begin the grinding process, a diamond abrasive tool is used. This tool is attached to a grinder or a polishing machine, which is then moved across the entire surface of the terrazzo floor. The diamond abrasive tool grinds away the top layer of the terrazzo, exposing the aggregates and creating a smooth and even surface.

During the grinding process, it is important to continually check the surface to ensure that the desired smoothness is being achieved. Any areas that require further grinding or attention can be identified and addressed.

Once the grinding is complete, the terrazzo floor is ready for the next step, which is grouting. Grinding epoxy terrazzo is a critical stage in the installation process as it plays a significant role in achieving the desired final finish of the floor. By adhering to proper grinding techniques, a flawless and polished surface can be achieved, meeting the high-quality standards expected in epoxy terrazzo installations.

Grinding the epoxy terrazzo floor

Grouting Epoxy Terrazzo

After completing the grinding process to achieve a smooth and polished surface, the next step in the installation of epoxy terrazzo is grouting. Grouting is an essential part of the process as it fills in any pinholes or voids left from grinding, ensuring a seamless and uniform appearance.

Here are five key aspects of grouting epoxy terrazzo that you should be aware of:

  • Selecting the right grout color: The grout color should complement the design and color scheme of the terrazzo floor. It is essential to choose a color that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal.
  • Mixing the epoxy grout: Epoxy grout is typically a two-component system consisting of resin and hardener. It is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper mixing ratios and to ensure thorough blending to achieve a consistent color and texture.
  • Applying the grout: The grout is applied by hand or using specialized tools such as a grout float. It is spread evenly across the terrazzo surface, ensuring that all voids and pinholes are filled.
  • Cleaning excess grout: After the grout has been applied, excess grout needs to be removed before it hardens. This is typically done using a combination of sponges, brushes, and clean water.
  • Curing and sealing the grout: Once the grout has dried, it is important to allow it to cure fully before proceeding with any further steps. After curing, the grout can be sealed to protect it from stains and make it easier to clean.

Polishing Terrazzo Floor

To achieve a high-quality finish on a terrazzo floor, the polishing process is an essential step that enhances the aesthetic appeal and durability of the surface. After the terrazzo floor has been grouted and dried, it is ready for polishing.

The polishing process involves using a series of progressively finer grits of abrasives to remove any scratches or imperfections on the surface and bring out the natural shine of the terrazzo. First, a coarse grit abrasive is used to remove any roughness or unevenness from the surface. This is followed by a series of finer grit abrasives, each one smoothing out the surface and creating a progressively smoother finish. The final stage of polishing involves using a very fine grit abrasive to achieve a high-gloss shine.

During the polishing process, water is often used as a lubricant to prevent overheating and to keep the surface cool. The polishing machine is equipped with rotating diamond discs or pads that effectively grind and polish the terrazzo surface.

In addition to enhancing the appearance of the terrazzo, polishing also helps to seal and protect the surface, making it more resistant to stains, wear, and damage. It is important to note that the amount of polishing required may vary depending on the desired level of shine and the condition of the terrazzo floor.



Cleaning and sealing are critical steps in maintaining the longevity and appearance of an epoxy terrazzo floor. Proper cleaning and sealing not only protect the surface from stains and damage but also enhance its beauty.

Here are five important points to consider when cleaning and sealing an epoxy terrazzo floor:

  • Regular cleaning: Regularly sweep or vacuum the floor to remove dirt and debris. Use a pH-neutral cleaner and a soft mop or cloth to clean the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the epoxy terrazzo.
  • Stain removal: Promptly clean any spills to prevent staining. Blot the spill with a clean cloth and gently clean the area with a mild detergent solution. Avoid scrubbing the surface forcefully to prevent scratching.
  • Sealing: Apply a high-quality sealer specifically designed for epoxy terrazzo floors. Sealing helps to protect the surface from stains, moisture, and wear. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application and drying time.
  • Maintenance: Regularly inspect the floor for any signs of wear or damage. Repair any cracks or chips immediately to prevent further deterioration. Avoid dragging heavy furniture or objects across the floor to prevent scratches.
  • Professional maintenance: Consider hiring a professional maintenance company to perform periodic deep cleaning and resealing. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to ensure the floor is properly maintained and protected.
sealing epoxy terrazzo


When it comes to maintaining an epoxy terrazzo floor, proper care and attention are essential to preserve its longevity and appearance. Regular cleaning is crucial to remove dirt, dust, and debris that can scratch or damage the surface. Sweeping or vacuuming the floor daily will help prevent the buildup of abrasive particles. Additionally, it is important to wipe up any spills immediately to prevent staining.

For routine cleaning, a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for terrazzo should be used, as harsh chemicals can strip away the protective sealant and damage the surface. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the cleaning product and to test it in a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire floor.

Periodically, the terrazzo floor should be professionally polished to restore its shine and remove any scratches or imperfections. This process involves using diamond abrasives to grind down the surface and then progressively smoothing it to achieve the desired finish. Finally, a sealant should be applied to protect the terrazzo from stains and wear.

The frequency of maintenance will depend on the amount of foot traffic and the specific requirements of the terrazzo floor. By following these maintenance guidelines, the epoxy terrazzo floor will remain beautiful and durable for years to come.


Refinishing Epoxy Terrazzo Floors

Refinishing epoxy terrazzo floors involves a thorough restoration process to enhance their appearance and durability. Here are five key steps involved in refinishing epoxy terrazzo floors:

Surface Preparation: The first step in refinishing terrazzo floors is to thoroughly clean the surface and remove any dirt, debris, or stains. This can be done using a pH-neutral cleaner and a soft-bristle brush. It is important to ensure that the surface is completely dry before proceeding to the next step.

Grinding and Polishing: The next step is to grind the surface of the terrazzo floor to remove any imperfections or scratches. This is typically done using a series of progressively finer diamond grinding pads. After grinding, the floor is polished using a polishing compound to achieve a smooth and glossy finish.

Repairs and Patching: During the grinding process, any cracks, chips, or damaged areas of the terrazzo floor are repaired and patched. This involves filling the damaged areas with epoxy resin and then grinding and polishing the repaired areas to blend them with the rest of the floor.

Sealing: Once the floor is repaired, it is important to seal it to protect it from stains, moisture, and daily wear and tear. A high-quality epoxy sealer is applied to the surface of the terrazzo floor and allowed to cure. This creates a protective barrier that enhances the durability and longevity of the floor.

Maintenance: After refinishing, regular maintenance is essential to keep the epoxy terrazzo floor in optimal condition. This includes routine cleaning with a pH-neutral cleaner, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, and promptly addressing any spills or stains.

To learn more about preserving and restoring the timeless beauty of terrazzo flooring, explore our comprehensive guide on Terrazzo Flooring Restoration.

  • Surface Identification and Leveling: Mark imperfections, grind high points (>1cm difference), and repair to achieve uniform flatness.
  • Hollow Spot Detection and Repair: Use tapping tools to identify hollow spots and repair them with suitable materials. Address depressions with epoxy repair materials.
  • Joint Handling: Address various joint types as per designated methods, ensuring proper treatment and smooth finishing.
terrazzo flooring restoration

Typical Epoxy Floors Installation Locations

Epoxy terrazzo floors are commonly installed in a variety of locations, ranging from major airports to commercial kitchens and educational institutions. The versatility and durability of epoxy terrazzo make it an ideal choice for these high-traffic areas. Its chemical and stain resistance makes it suitable for use in chemical plants and food processing areas, while its nonporous, joint-free surface makes it perfect for sanitary environments such as hospitals. Additionally, the color and design options of epoxy terrazzo make it a popular choice for decorative flooring installations in retail facilities. Here are some typical locations where epoxy terrazzo surfaces are being installed:

  • Stores and shopping malls
  • Airports
  • Educational institutions
  • Food processing and preparation areas
  • Cafeterias
  • Chemical processing plants
  • Commercial kitchens
  • Convention centers
  • Corridors
  • Theme parks
  • Hospital operating rooms
  • Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical plants
  • Wastewater treatment facilities
  • Kitchen Countertops

Epoxy terrazzo's combination of durability, low maintenance, and design flexibility makes it a versatile flooring option for a wide range of locations. To delve deeper into the pros and cons of terrazzo flooring, explore our comprehensive blog on the subject here.

epoxy resin terrazzo flooring at the airport

Epoxy Terrazzo Installation Details

Creating stunning epoxy terrazzo floors demands meticulous attention to specific installation details. Understanding the nuances of transitions, cracks, joints, stairs, and bases becomes pivotal in achieving a flawless terrazzo surface.

Transitions: Managing the seamless flow between terrazzo and other flooring materials involves a meticulous approach. Epoxy terrazzo, with its slender profile, demands precise strategies to meet diverse elevations and floor finishes. Employing "L" divider strips or flexible transition methods ensures a graceful blend between terrazzo and adjoining surfaces, maintaining visual coherence while accommodating different heights. The intricacy lies in creating a unified transition, respecting both aesthetics and functionality.

Crack Management: Effective crack management is imperative for a durable and visually appealing terrazzo floor. The process involves stabilization using rigid epoxies before applying flexible membranes. Isolated coverage, a common practice, requires estimation based on terrazzo area, crack severity, and membrane thickness. Calculating coverage ensures thorough protection against potential cracks, reinforcing the floor's structural integrity and longevity.

Joint Handling: Mastering terrazzo joint details is an art that demands precision and understanding. Recognizing and differentiating between various concrete joint types—contraction, construction, isolation, and building expansion—empowers designers to implement tailored jointing solutions. This meticulous approach ensures that joints seamlessly integrate into the terrazzo design, maintaining both functionality and aesthetics.

Terrazzo Stairs: Terrazzo staircases are a canvas for architectural creativity. Choosing between poured or precast, supported or self-supported treads, and exposed or concealed edges presents diverse design avenues. Each decision influences the stairway's appearance and functionality. Customizing tread-only or tread-and-riser configurations further allows architects to craft staircases that seamlessly blend with the overall design, offering both visual appeal and structural reliability.

Terrazzo Bases: Elevating the elegance of terrazzo involves careful consideration of base detailing. The choice between flat or cove bases introduces distinct design characteristics. Adjustable heights, varied profiles, and tailored finishes contribute to creating seamless transitions from the floor to the wall. The precision in base detailing ensures a harmonious integration of surfaces, elevating the overall aesthetic appeal of the space.

Each facet of the epoxy terrazzo installation serves as a pivotal element in the creation of a cohesive, durable, and visually striking flooring system. Attention to epoxy terrazzo details and a comprehensive understanding of these installation aspects enable architects and designers to bring forth captivating terrazzo surfaces that amalgamate functionality with timeless beauty.

Epoxy Terrazzo stairs

Epoxy Terrazzo Installation Cost

To accurately assess the overall cost of epoxy terrazzo installation, various factors such as the type of terrazzo flooring, square footage, complexity of design, and subfloor preparation need to be considered.

The type of terrazzo flooring chosen will significantly impact the cost, with options including thin-set terrazzo flooring and terrazzo tile.

Additionally, the square footage of the area to be covered will play a role in determining the cost, as larger areas will require more materials and labor.

The complexity of the design, including the use of divider strips and multiple epoxy resin colors, can also affect the cost.

Furthermore, subfloor preparation is crucial for ensuring a successful installation, and any necessary repairs or moisture mitigation measures will add to the overall cost.

It is important to carefully consider these factors when budgeting for epoxy terrazzo installation to ensure an accurate estimation of the total cost.

Epoxy Terrazzo Installation Cost

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Install Epoxy Terrazzo Flooring?

The installation time for epoxy terrazzo flooring can vary depending on factors such as the size of the area, the complexity of the design, and the condition of the substrate. It typically takes several days to complete the installation process.

Can Epoxy Terrazzo Be Installed Over Existing Flooring?

Yes, epoxy terrazzo can be installed over existing flooring, provided that the existing surface is properly prepared and meets certain criteria. It is recommended to consult with a qualified contractor for evaluation and to ensure proper installation.

Hire a Pro: Terrazzo flooring contractor near me

What Is the Typical Lifespan of Epoxy Terrazzo Flooring?

The typical lifespan of epoxy terrazzo flooring is highly dependent on factors such as maintenance, foot traffic, and proper installation. With proper care and maintenance, epoxy terrazzo flooring can last for several decades, making it a durable and long-lasting choice for commercial and institutional facilities.

Are There Any Special Maintenance Requirements for Epoxy Terrazzo Flooring?

There are special maintenance requirements for epoxy terrazzo flooring, including regular cleaning with a neutral pH cleaner, avoiding harsh chemicals, and periodic resealing to maintain its shine and durability.

Can Epoxy Terrazzo Flooring Be Customized With Different Colors and Patterns?

Yes, epoxy terrazzo flooring can be customized with a wide range of colors and patterns. This allows for endless design possibilities, making it a popular choice for architects and designers in commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities.

Blog Series:


In conclusion, epoxy terrazzo installation is a complex process that requires careful planning, expertise, and attention to detail.

From moisture testing to floor layout and the actual installation process, each step plays a crucial role in achieving a successful and visually appealing finish.

By understanding the key considerations and following proper procedures, architects and general contractors can ensure the implementation of durable and aesthetically pleasing epoxy terrazzo flooring in various commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities.

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