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Floor Coating Singapore: Transform Your Floors with Elegance

floor coating singapore

Are you looking to transform your Singaporean home or office into something extraordinary? Look no further than floor coating! It's an absolutely revolutionary way to upgrade the look and feel of your space in a flash.


With its versatility, durability, and endless design possibilities, floor coating is the perfect way to create a stunning, one-of-a-kind look.


Read on to discover the ins and outs of floor coating in Singapore.


Key Takeaways


  • Epoxy floor coating is durable and resistant to chemical spills, but not suitable for outdoor applications.
  • Polyurethane floor coating is more resistant to UV rays and offers better protection against moisture, making it more cost-effective than epoxy coating.
  • Vinyl floor coating is cost-effective, easy to install and maintain, but not as durable as other coatings.
  • Acrylic floor coatings are cost-effective and have good resistance to wear and tear.

Understanding the Singaporean Floor Coating Landscape


Welcome to the vibrant world of floor coatings in Singapore. To embark on a journey of transforming your floors, it's crucial to comprehend the unique characteristics of the Singaporean market. Singapore, a bustling city-state known for its innovation and modernity, offers a dynamic environment for floor coating solutions.


1.1 The Diversity of Applications


The applications of floor coatings in Singapore span a wide spectrum. From residential homes to commercial establishments, industrial facilities, and even public spaces, there's a need for reliable and resilient floor solutions. In the residential sector, homeowners seek both practical and aesthetic improvements, while commercial and industrial spaces prioritize durability and safety.


1.2 The Demand for Aesthetics and Durability


Singaporeans have a strong penchant for aesthetics, and this extends to their living and working spaces. As a result, the demand for floor coatings that offer not only durability but also a touch of elegance is on the rise. Home and business owners are increasingly looking for flooring solutions that can withstand high foot traffic, humidity, and other environmental factors while enhancing the visual appeal of their spaces.


1.3 The Influence of Climate


Singapore's tropical climate, characterized by high humidity and frequent rainfall, places specific demands on floor coatings. Solutions that can combat moisture-related issues, such as mold and mildew, are highly sought after. The ability of floor coatings to resist these climate-related challenges is a critical consideration in the local market.


1.4 Innovations in Sustainability


In recent years, Singapore has also seen a growing interest in sustainable and environmentally friendly floor coating options. As the nation focuses on sustainability and eco-conscious practices, more individuals and businesses are seeking coatings that align with these principles.


1.5 Meeting Regulatory Standards


The Singaporean market is known for its stringent regulatory standards, and floor coatings are no exception. Any floor solution must meet local regulations, including safety standards and environmental requirements. This adds another layer of consideration when selecting the right floor coating.


Understanding these key facets of the Singaporean floor coating landscape will set the stage for making informed choices as you explore the world of floor coatings. From epoxy to polyurethane, and beyond, there's a myriad of options to discover in your quest to transform and protect your floors.

green trees in an airport of singapore

Types of Floor Coatings in Singapore


Singapore offers a rich array of floor coating options to cater to various needs and preferences. Whether you seek aesthetics, durability, or specific functional characteristics, the market provides a wide selection of floor coatings to choose from.


In this section, we'll delve into the diverse types of floor coatings available in Singapore, each with its unique features and ideal applications. Take a look at each one to decide which is best for your needs.


1. Epoxy Flooring


Crafted from a blend of epoxide resin and a polyamine hardener, epoxy coatings are celebrated for their outstanding durability, strong adhesion, and resilience against chemicals and abrasion. Within the realm of protective finishes, epoxy coating stands as a robust and adaptable solution, catering to a diverse range of applications.


In the dynamic context of Singapore's environment, where factors like climate, foot traffic, and industrial requirements intersect, epoxy coating emerges as a strategic selection for the preservation and enhancement of surfaces. Its affordability and swift installation further contribute to its appeal, making it an excellent choice for projects with stringent timelines. Now, let's delve into the distinctive characteristics and varied types that position epoxy coating as the preferred option for flooring solutions in Singapore.


Key Characteristics of Epoxy Coatings


Epoxy coatings stand out as a prominent choice in the realm of floor coatings, offering a myriad of characteristics that make them suitable for diverse applications in Singapore. Let's delve into the specific characteristics of epoxy coatings.


  1. Exceptional Durability: Epoxy coatings form a resilient surface that can withstand heavy traffic, impact, and harsh environmental conditions.
  2. High Adhesion: The adhesive properties of epoxy ensure a strong bond with various substrates, promoting longevity and structural integrity.
  3. Chemical Resistance: Epoxy coatings exhibit resistance to chemicals, making them ideal for areas prone to spills, such as laboratories and industrial settings.
  4. Versatility in Application: These coatings are versatile and can be customized to achieve various textures, finishes, and colors, catering to aesthetic preferences.
  5. Quick Curing Time: Epoxy coatings cure relatively quickly, minimizing downtime during installation and allowing for faster project completion.
  6. Low Maintenance: Once applied, epoxy-coated surfaces are easy to clean and maintain, contributing to long-lasting aesthetics.


Delving into the specific characteristics of epoxy coatings empowers you and industries in Singapore to make informed decisions when selecting floor coatings that align with your unique needs.


Different Types of Epoxy Coating for Flooring


Navigating the realm of epoxy coatings reveals a diverse array of formulations tailored to specific flooring needs. In Singapore, where environmental factors and industry requirements vary, understanding the nuances of epoxy types becomes paramount for optimal results.


1. Solvent-Borne Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: This traditional epoxy variant contains solvents, aiding in faster curing and enhanced penetration into the substrate.
  • Applications: Ideal for industrial floors where rapid installation and robust adhesion are crucial.

2. Water-Borne Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: Known for low VOC emissions, water-borne epoxy is an environmentally friendly option with a relatively quick curing time.
  • Applications: Suited for commercial spaces and residential areas where odor and environmental impact are considerations.

3. 100% Solids Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: This high-performance epoxy boasts no volatile components, ensuring a thick, durable coating upon curing.
  • Applications: Preferred for areas demanding maximum durability, such as manufacturing plants and heavy-duty industrial settings.

4. Self-Leveling Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: Designed to create a smooth, level surface, self-leveling epoxy is excellent for achieving a seamless, polished look.
  • Applications: Commonly used in showrooms, galleries, and commercial spaces where aesthetics and a pristine finish are paramount.

5. Mortar Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: Infused with graded aggregates, mortar epoxy provides exceptional strength and thickness, ideal for repairing damaged concrete surfaces.
  • Applications: Well-suited for areas with heavy machinery or frequent impact, such as loading docks and manufacturing facilities.

6. Gravelled Epoxy:

  • Characteristics: Integrating decorative aggregates, gravelled epoxy enhances both aesthetics and slip resistance.
  • Applications: Popular in spaces requiring a blend of visual appeal and safety, including walkways, pool decks, and outdoor recreational areas.

7. Epoxy Terrazzo Coatings:

  • Characteristics: Known for their attractiveness and ease of maintenance, epoxy terrazzo coatings are widely used in large areas such as commercial building corridors and entrances, schools, and office buildings.
  • Applications: Suitable for creating visually appealing and durable flooring solutions in high-traffic areas.

8. Epoxy Flaked Coatings:

  • Characteristics: Utilizes multi-colored flakes or chips applied over the epoxy coating to provide a decorative finish or effect.
  • Applications: Adds a decorative touch to commercial and residential spaces, offering unique design elements to the flooring.

9. Epoxy Antistatic Coatings:

  • Characteristics: Specifically designed for environments with static-sensitive electronic equipment, ensuring a static-free environment.
  • Applications: Critical for industries like hospitals, laboratories, and electronics manufacturing plants where static control is essential.


Grasping the distinctive features and uses of each epoxy coating type equips individuals and industries to make knowledgeable choices. Opting for the suitable epoxy coating involves a thorough assessment of factors such as traffic volume, adherence to industry regulations, and aesthetic preferences, ultimately guaranteeing the enduring performance of their flooring solutions.

2. Polyurea Floor Coating


Polyurea floor coatings are a popular choice for Singapore businesses due to their durability and versatility. This type of coating boasts a quick curing time, a range of chemical and abrasion resistance, and a range of textures and coating colors. It can also withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for use in areas with extreme heat.


The application of polyurea floor coating is simple and cost-effective, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to save money. Polyurea coatings also provide a long-lasting finish and are easy to maintain.


With these benefits, it's no surprise that polyurea coatings have become a popular choice for floor coatings in Singapore.


Next, we'll discuss the benefits of polyurethane floor coating.

3. Polyurethane Floor Coating


Second on the list of popular floor coatings in Singapore is polyurethane. This type of coating is often used for industrial and commercial spaces, as it's highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. It's also resistant to heat, fire, water, and most chemicals.


Here are the key benefits of using polyurethane floor coating:


  • It's easy to clean and maintain, requiring minimal upkeep.
  • It's suitable for high-traffic areas and can be applied in multiple layers for extra protection.
  • It creates an anti-slip surface, making it a safe option for both indoor and outdoor areas.
  • It provides a glossy, aesthetically pleasing finish.

4. Polyaspartic Floor Coating


Another type of floor coating that's becoming increasingly popular in Singapore is polyaspartic.


It's a two-component, solvent-free, and fast-drying coating that's highly durable and resistant to abrasion, wear, and tear.


It's also easy to clean and maintain, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.


Polyaspartic floor coating is also extremely resistant to chemicals, UV rays, and extreme temperatures, making it suitable for high-traffic areas and harsh environments.


It's also highly elastic and flexible, allowing it to expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity.


Furthermore, its rapid curing time allows it to be installed quickly and with minimal disruption to existing operations.

cosmetics plant epoxy flooring

5. Acrylic Floor Coatings


Continuing with the discussion of floor coatings in Singapore, acrylic coatings are another popular option, offering durability, flexibility, and ease of upkeep.


Here are some of the benefits of acrylic coatings:


  • They're strong and long-lasting, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.
  • They're easy to clean and maintain, requiring only occasional sweeping and mopping.
  • They're flexible, allowing for easy customization to fit any decor.
  • They're affordable, making them a great option for budget-conscious homeowners.


Acrylic coatings are a great choice for both commercial and residential spaces, offering a durable and attractive finish. They're also easy to apply, making them a great DIY project. With a little bit of preparation and the right materials, you can create a beautiful and lasting floor coating.


6. Laminated Floor Coating


If you're looking for a more durable floor coating option in Singapore, laminated floor coating may be the perfect choice. It's a thicker coating than acrylic and provides superior protection against moisture, scratches and wear and tear. Laminated floor coating also offers a variety of colors and finishes to choose from, so you can find the look that suits your interior best.


It's also a popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms as it's easy to clean and maintain. With proper care and maintenance, laminated floor coating can last for many years. To get the most out of your laminated floor coating, it's important to hire an experienced professional to install it. This will ensure that the job is done properly and that you get the full benefit of the product.


With the right care, your laminated floor coating will provide you with years of durable protection and great aesthetics.


Transitioning into the next section, let's talk about PVC floor coating.


7. PVC Floor Coating


If you need a floor coating that's waterproof and highly durable, then consider PVC floor coating in Singapore. A PVC-based coating is commonly found in vinyl flooring and exhibits characteristics typical of vinyl. For this reason, the PVC coating is often referred to as a vinyl coating. Vinyl coating offers a variety of benefits, including:


  • Abrasion and corrosion resistance
  • Reduced risk of moisture and mildew buildup
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Long-lasting and cost-effective


It is also available in a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns, making it an ideal choice for any type of flooring.


PVC floor coating is also highly durable and can withstand high levels of wear and tear. This makes it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial spaces. Additionally, it's easy to install and maintain, and is a great way to add a unique touch to any space.


With proper care and maintenance, PVC floor coating can last for many years.


8. Ceramic Flooring


Frequently, ceramic flooring is the next type of floor coating to consider when deciding on the best option for your space in Singapore. It's resistant to stains and scratches, durable, and easy to maintain. Here are the key benefits of ceramic floor coating:


  • Non-porous surface makes it easy to clean and lasts for many years
  • Low maintenance, requires occasional sweeping and mopping
  • Available in a variety of colors and patterns to suit any design scheme
  • Can be installed quickly and with minimal disruption to your home or business.


Ceramic floor coating is a great option for those looking to add a modern and stylish touch to their space. It's also economical, making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious homeowners. With proper care and maintenance, ceramic flooring will look great and last for years to come.

ceramic flooring on hallway

Benefits of Floor Coatings in Singapore


Investing in floor coatings for your home or business in Singapore is more than just a surface-level enhancement; it's a strategic decision that unlocks a multitude of advantages tailored to the unique needs of the Lion City. Beyond the apparent benefits, let's delve into a more comprehensive understanding of the transformative impact floor coatings bring to diverse settings.


  1. Protection Against Spills and Accidents:
  • Enhanced Cleanliness: Floor coatings act as a proactive shield against spills and accidents, facilitating easy cleanup and preventing long-term damage to your floors.
  1. Heightened Durability and Scratch Resistance:
  • Increased Floor Longevity: The application of floor coatings significantly boosts the floor's durability, reducing its susceptibility to dents and scratches. This ensures a prolonged lifespan for your flooring.
  1. Aesthetic Consistency and Visual Appeal:
  • Tailored Aesthetics: Beyond protection, floor coatings contribute to a more consistent and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Customizable in color, texture, and design, they elevate the visual appeal of your space.
  1. Noise Reduction for Enhanced Comfort:
  • Comfortable Living Spaces: In addition to visual enhancements, floor coatings play a role in creating a more comfortable environment. They contribute to noise reduction, enhancing the overall comfort of your living or working space.
  1. Quick and Efficient Maintenance:
  • Simplified Upkeep: Coated floors are not just visually appealing; they are also easier to clean and maintain. This streamlined upkeep minimizes the time and effort required for routine cleaning, adding to the convenience.
  1. Anti-Slip Properties for Safety:
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: Certain floor coatings come equipped with anti-slip properties, ensuring safety in areas prone to spills, moisture, or where slip hazards are a concern.
  1. Customization for Unique Spaces:
  • Tailored Solutions: The versatility of floor coatings allows for customization, ensuring that the flooring solution is tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of your home or business.
  1. Thermal Comfort and Climate Adaptability:
  • Resilience to Environmental Factors: Singapore's tropical climate can pose challenges, but floor coatings offer resilience against humidity, temperature variations, and other environmental stressors, contributing to thermal comfort.
  1. Cost-Efficiency in the Long Run:
  • Financial Savings: While the initial investment in floor coatings is a consideration, the long-term cost savings emerge from reduced maintenance needs and the prolonged lifespan of your flooring.
  1. Compliance with Industry Standards:
  • Meeting Regulatory Requirements: In sectors with specific cleanliness or safety standards, floor coatings ensure compliance, meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  1. Healthcare Hygiene Standards:
  • Maintaining High Hygiene Standards: In healthcare environments, floor coatings, especially those with antimicrobial properties, contribute to maintaining high hygiene standards.
  1. Property Value Enhancement:
  • Investment in Property Value: For residential and commercial properties, the transformative impact of floor coatings contributes to increased property value, making it a valuable investment.


As Singapore progresses, embracing the multifaceted benefits of floor coatings becomes integral for creating resilient, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable living and working spaces. From enhanced cleanliness to tailored aesthetics, the advantages of floor coatings extend far beyond the surface, elevating your space to new heights.


Applications of Floor Coatings in Singapore


Choosing the ideal floor coatings in Singapore is a critical decision with far-reaching implications for performance in diverse scenarios. Let's embark on an in-depth exploration of coatings tailored to specific applications, unraveling the reasons behind each recommendation's suitability.


  1. Industrial Facilities:
  • Recommended Coatings: Epoxy Flooring, Polyurea Floor Coating
  • Why: These coatings stand as stalwarts in high-traffic industrial environments, providing robust protection against heavy machinery, abrasions, and chemical spills.
  1. Commercial Spaces:
  • Recommended Coatings: Polyurethane Floor Coating, Polyaspartic Floor Coating
  • Why: Polyurethane and polyaspartic coatings aren't just functional; they offer a polished finish, bringing an aesthetically pleasing look to retail stores, restaurants, and various commercial areas.
  1. Residential Garages:
  • Recommended Coating: Epoxy Flooring, Polyurea Floor Coating
  • Why: Epoxy and polyurea coatings are engineered to withstand the rigors of vehicle traffic, resist oil stains, and elevate the durability of garage floors in residential settings.
  1. Healthcare Facilities:
  • Recommended Coating: PVC Floor Coating
  • Why: Hygienic, easy to clean, and offering a comfortable surface, PVC coatings are the perfect fit for healthcare environments with stringent cleanliness standards.
  1. Residential Interiors:
  • Recommended Coating: Laminated Floor Coating, Acrylic Floor Coatings
  • Why: Laminated coatings provide a cost-effective solution with diverse design options, while acrylic coatings introduce decorative finishes, enhancing the aesthetics of residential interiors.
  1. Laboratories:
  • Recommended Coating: PVC Floor Coating
  • Why: Laboratories demand resilience against chemicals and moisture, making PVC coatings the ideal choice where spillage and cleanliness are paramount.
  1. Moisture-Prone Areas:
  • Recommended Coating: Polyurea Floor Coating
  • Why: Polyurea coatings, with their quick curing time and resistance to moisture, emerge as the top choice for areas prone to water exposure, including basements.
  1. General Commercial Areas:
  • Recommended Coating: Polyaspartic Floor Coating, Acrylic Floor Coatings
  • Why: In general commercial spaces with limited downtime, polyaspartic coatings' rapid curing proves advantageous, while acrylic coatings offer decorative options for diverse businesses.


Unlocking the nuanced needs of each scenario empowers decision-makers in selecting floor coatings. Whether the focus is on durability, aesthetics, or functionality, the diverse range of coatings ensures a tailored solution for every application in Singapore. 


Experience the difference of Floor Coatings - Elevate Your Space Today.

Coating For A Garage Floor

How to Choose the Right Floor Coating for Your Singaporean Space


Selecting the ideal floor coating for your Singapore property is a significant decision that revolves around several critical factors. Whether you're enhancing a residential, commercial, or industrial space, the type of surface, environmental considerations, and the specific purpose of the coating play pivotal roles in your choice. Let's explore the process of selecting the right floor coating, taking into account the Singaporean context.


Factors to Consider


When determining the right floor coating for your specific needs, there are several key considerations to keep in mind:


1. Surface Type: Evaluate the nature of the surface you intend to coat, as different coatings are better suited to different substrates.


2. Environmental Conditions: Assess the conditions of the environment where the floor coating will be applied. Factors such as humidity, temperature, and exposure to water or chemicals are crucial.


3. Purpose: Define the primary objective of your floor coating. Is it to enhance aesthetics, provide durability, improve slip resistance, or a combination of these factors?


4. Traffic Levels: Consider the expected foot traffic and any heavy machinery that the floor will need to endure. High-traffic areas benefit from highly durable coatings.


5. Maintenance: Determine the level of maintenance you are willing to commit to, as maintenance requirements can vary between coatings.


A floor coating is a layer put on a surface to protect it from damage and wear and tear and to make it look more attractive. The most common types of floor coatings used in Singapore are epoxy, polyurethane, and acrylic.


Epoxy floor coatings are durable and provide a high level of protection to the floor. They're resistant to water, oil, and most chemicals and are very easy to clean. They're also slip-resistant and can be applied in a wide range of colors.


Polyurethane coatings are also highly durable and provide a glossy finish that's scratch and UV-resistant. Acrylic coatings are less durable than epoxy or polyurethane, but provide a high level of waterproofing and are easy to apply.


If the floor is in a high-traffic area, epoxy or polyurethane are good options as they're very durable. If the floor is in an area that will be exposed to water or oil, then acrylic is the best option. If the goal is to make the floor look attractive, then a glossy finish is best. If the goal is to make the floor slip-resistant, then a matte finish is the better choice.


To make an informed decision, it is advisable to consult with professionals specializing in floor coatings. They can provide valuable insights based on your unique requirements. Additionally, when you have a clear idea of your preferences, obtain quotes from multiple service providers, comparing costs, services, and warranties.


The Floor Coating Process in Singapore


In Singapore, the floor coating process is a meticulous and essential procedure that involves several key steps to ensure optimal results. Let's explore the intricacies of the floor coating process, shedding light on each phase.


1. Surface Preparation: The success of the floor coating largely depends on thorough surface preparation. This phase involves cleaning the floor to remove any dirt, grease, or contaminants. In some cases, mechanical methods like grinding or shot blasting may be employed to create an ideal surface for coating adhesion.

2. Repair and Patching: Any existing cracks, divots, or imperfections on the floor surface are addressed during this step. Repair and patching ensure a smooth and even substrate, preventing these issues from compromising the integrity of the coating.

3. Priming: The application of a primer is a crucial step to enhance the bond between the substrate and the coating. The primer creates a receptive surface for the subsequent layers, promoting adhesion and longevity.

4. Application of Base Coat: The base coat, often consisting of the chosen floor coating material, is meticulously applied. This layer serves as the foundation for the overall system, providing the primary protective and aesthetic attributes.

5. Decorative Elements (Optional): Depending on the desired finish, decorative elements such as color flakes, patterns, or textures may be added at this stage. These elements contribute to the visual appeal of the coated floor.

6. Top Coat Application: The top coat is the final layer of protection and can include additives for increased durability, UV resistance, or chemical resistance. This layer seals and enhances the overall performance of the floor coating.

7. Curing and Drying: After the application of each layer, sufficient curing and drying time is essential. This ensures that the floor coating achieves its intended properties and durability.

8. Quality Inspection: A thorough inspection is conducted to ensure that the floor coating meets quality standards. Any necessary touch-ups or adjustments are made during this phase to guarantee a flawless finish.

9. Completion and Maintenance Guidance: Once the floor coating process is complete, guidance on proper maintenance is provided. This includes recommendations for cleaning, avoiding certain chemicals, and periodic inspections to prolong the lifespan of the coating.


The floor coating process in Singapore is a strategic combination of preparation, application, and quality control, resulting in durable, visually appealing, and functional coated surfaces.

A man in a white coverall spray painting a roof

Maintenance and Care Tips


To ensure your floor coating lasts as long as possible, it's important to maintain and care for it properly. It's important to regularly check for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks and chips, and make repairs as soon as possible. You should also sweep and mop the floor regularly to prevent dirt and debris from gathering and damaging the surface.





 Check for Damage

 Every 1-2 weeks

 Look for visible signs of damage, such as cracks or chips.

 Sweep & Mop

 Every 1-2 weeks

 Use a gentle cleaning solution and a soft-bristled broom for sweeping.

 Wax & Polish

 Every 6 months

 Use a mild floor wax and a soft cloth to polish the surface.


 Every 3-5 years

 Sand and refinish the floor to restore the original sheen and color.

 Professional Cleaning

 Every 1-2 years

 Hire a professional floor cleaner to perform deep cleaning.


When done correctly, these maintenance and care tips will ensure your floor coating stays in good condition for years to come. By taking the time to properly maintain and care for your floors, you can ensure that you will get the most out of your investment. With that in mind, let's now shift our focus to the cost of floor coating in Singapore.


Cost of Floor Coating in Singapore


How much does floor coating cost in Singapore?


When it comes to floor coating, the cost largely depends on the type of coating you choose and the size of the area you're looking to coat. The main types of floor coating available in Singapore are epoxy, polyurethane, and acrylic.


  • Epoxy coating is the most cost-effective and provides good durability. It usually costs between S$3 and S$10 per square foot.
  • Polyurethane coating is more expensive and longer lasting. It can cost around S$5 to S$15 per square foot.
  • The acrylic coating is the most expensive but provides a glossy finish. It typically ranges from S$10 to S$20 per square foot.


The location of the area being coated can also affect the cost as some areas may require additional labour for installation. Furthermore, the cost may also depend on the size of the project, with larger projects often having a more competitive price. For a comprehensive understanding of the cost associated with floor coating for your specific requirements, request a personalized quote from our experts.

Routine Cleaning

Professional vs. DIY Floor Coating


Deciding between professional and DIY floor coating in Singapore can be a daunting task. It's important to consider the type of coating you need, the size of the area you're coating, and the budget you have to work with.


Professional floor coating services will offer a variety of coatings, such as epoxy, polyurethane, and acrylic for different purposes and floor types. They have the ability to apply the right coating and the right amount in the right way.


On the other hand, DIY floor coating can be a cost-effective way to go. However, it may be difficult to know what type of coating to use and how to apply it correctly. It can also be a time-consuming task, and if it isn't done properly, you can end up with a less than satisfactory finish.


Both professional and DIY floor coating in Singapore have their pros and cons, but it's ultimately up to you to decide which option works best for you. Whether you choose to go the professional or DIY route, make sure to do your research and ask questions in order to make an informed decision. With the right knowledge and guidance, it's possible to get the desired results with either approach.


With that in mind, it's time to move on to the next section about finding reliable floor coating services in Singapore.


Finding Reliable Floor Coating Services in Singapore


Once you've decided between professional and DIY floor coating, the next step is to find reliable floor coating services in Singapore. To ensure a successful project, there are several important considerations to take into account before making a choice:


  • Check the reputation of the business: Look online for reviews and feedback from previous customers, and make sure the company you choose has a proven track record of quality service.


  • Ask about their services and materials: Make sure the floor coating services they offer are suitable for your project and that they use quality materials.


  • Inquire about the price: Ask for a quote that includes labor and material costs.


  • Investigate the warranty: Ensure that the company provides a warranty on their work and materials to protect your investment.


8 Best Local Epoxy Flooring Services in Singapore


If you're specifically interested in epoxy flooring services, here's a list of some of the best companies in Singapore that specialize in epoxy coatings. Each of these companies is known for their expertise in epoxy flooring:


1) Metallic Epoxy Singapore

   - Metallic Epoxy Singapore specializes in the installation and painting of stunning metallic epoxy floors. They have earned a loyal client base of homeowners and business owners and are renowned as a trusted source for top-quality epoxy flooring in Singapore.


2) Polymer International Pte Ltd

   - Polymer International Singapore is a leading Single-Source Solutions provider in Southeast Asia, manufacturing polymeric protective floor coatings like epoxy and polyurethane hybrid. Their Polygard® and Ecogard® systems offer long-lasting solutions and come with a one-source warranty.


3) Hydro-Seal Engineering Pte Ltd

   - Since 1995, Hydro-seal has been Singapore’s top waterproofing and rope access contractor. They specialize in residential, commercial, and industrial waterproofing and concrete repair services, offering exceptional customer service and a "no-hassle" Certificate of Warranty.


4) Trion Industrial Services Pte Ltd

   - Trion Industrial Services is a cost-effective choice for epoxy flooring installation, making it a preferred option for both residential and commercial projects. They are well-known for their affordable rates, exceptional services, and expert professionals.


5) Starlight Building Maintenance Services  

   - Starlight is a versatile full-service contractor offering a wide range of home installations and repairs, including epoxy flooring. They have enhanced countless homes with the best epoxy flooring in Singapore since their establishment in 1983 and have worked with major corporations like SMRT and Resorts World Sentosa.


6) Galaxy Painters 

   - Galaxy Painters is a highly regarded painting and flooring company that provides services extending beyond epoxy flooring. As an authorized supplier, they also offer paint and waterproofing products. Consultations are free, making it convenient for your painting needs.


7) FloorCube Singapore 

   - FloorCube is a reputable flooring firm with a broad selection of flooring options, from vinyl to epoxy, offered at competitive prices. They cater to homeowners and business owners looking to enhance the aesthetics and ambiance of their properties.


8) DaherCoats 

   - With extensive experience across various industries, DaherCoats boasts a diverse portfolio of polyurea, polyurethane, injection grout, and epoxy coatings. Daher’s expertise extends to residential, commercial, and industrial markets, making Daher a valuable resource for clients worldwide.


Finding the right epoxy flooring services in Singapore becomes more convenient when you have a list of reputable companies to consider. By following the previous steps and researching these service providers, you can confidently choose one that aligns with your project needs.

professional floor coating contractors

Frequently Asked Questions


What Are the Environmental Implications of Using Floor Coatings?


Using floor coatings can have environmental implications, such as releasing volatile organic compounds into the air, increased energy usage, and the potential for hazardous waste. Take steps to reduce impacts by choosing low-VOC products, using efficient equipment, and disposing of waste properly.


How Long Do Floor Coatings Typically Last?


You'll be amazed by the longevity of floor coatings! Generally speaking, they can last for years if properly applied and maintained. With proper care, you can expect them to deliver lasting beauty and protection for a long time.


Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Using Floor Coatings?


Typically, floor coatings are safe to use with minimal health risks. However, it's important to use protective gear and ventilation when applying them.


Is There a Difference Between Residential and Commercial Floor Coatings?


You're walking a tightrope when it comes to floor coatings - residential and commercial versions are two different sides of the same coin. Residential coatings are like a tailored suit - they fit the space perfectly and last long. Commercial coatings, on the other hand, are like armor - stronger, more durable and designed for heavy-duty use.


Are There Any Special Considerations for High-Traffic Areas?


Yes, high-traffic areas require special considerations when coating floors. Durability and scratch-resistance is important, as well as a finish that won't wear off too quickly. It's best to select a coating that will stand up to regular foot traffic, and can be easily maintained.


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In the dynamic landscape of Singapore, where style and functionality merge, your floors are instrumental in setting the tone for your spaces. This guide has provided invaluable insights into selecting the ideal floor coating for your distinct requirements.


Having explored the Singaporean market, unraveled the benefits, understood the coating options, and learned how to make a prudent choice, you're now prepared to embark on your floor coating project with confidence.


DaherCoats isn't just an expert; we're your trusted partners in enhancing your floors' durability and aesthetics. With a track record of delivering exceptional results and a commitment to tailored solutions, we're prepared to bring your floor coating vision to life.


Your floors are more than surfaces; they're a canvas for creativity and resilience. Take the next step and elevate your Singaporean floors with DaherCoats. Whether it's a free consultation to discuss your needs or a personalized project quote, our team is ready to assist you.


Contact us today to begin the journey towards floors that not only endure but also inspire. Let's transform your spaces with DaherCoats.

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