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You can get some useful information here, and if the following doesn't have the answer you're looking for, you can always contact us.

What Is Polyurethane?

It's a kind of super-tough varnish formulated so that its microscopic chains of resin molecules will bond tightly with one another as it dries. The result is a finish that's much more resistant to water, solvents, abrasion, and impacts than traditional varnishes.

What Does Polyurethane Coating Do?

Polyurethane coating is typically used as a finisher for wood floors to provide them with a glossy shine. It comes in two varieties -- oil based and water based. Water based polyurethane coating costs more than oil based, but it's also slightly less toxic. Though the effects of polyurethane coatings can be long lasting and provide visual improvements to the surface, it's also known to have toxic side effects.

Can You Use Polyurethane Inside or Outside?

Most exterior polys can be used indoors, but interior polys should never be used outdoors; they lack the additives that protect exterior finishes from UV rays.

Polyurethane: How Much Do You Need & How Long Will It Last?

12 months - The length of time a poly should be usable after you open the can. Label the lid with the date it was unsealed.
1 teaspoon - To keep a partially filled can of oil-based poly from skinning over, cover the finish with this amount of mineral spirits.
1 pint- The approximate amount of poly you'll need to put three coats of finish on one chair.

What Does Polyurethane Coating Do?

Polyurethane coating is typically used as a finisher for wood floors to provide them with a glossy shine. It comes in two varieties -- oil based and water based. Water based polyurethane coating costs more than oil based, but it's also slightly less toxic. Though the effects of polyurethane coatings can be long lasting and provide visual improvements to the surface, it's also known to have toxic side effects.

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If you have any questions, you can always contact us.